Camp Camelot - Staff Photos, from Various Sources.
Here is a staff picture from about 1952.
Frank Black, camp director is third from right, and Joe Hutchison is
second from right. Other names?
A picture from an unknown source...
Camelot Staff 1957
Rear left to right: Kay Bunnell (nurse), Charlotte Black (Frank's wife),
Hilma Donohue, Nona Samples,
Erma Campbell (cooks), Robert (Corky) Ball, J. Tommy Davis, Bob Lilley
Front: Ralph Butts (swimming), George Swisher (craft), Hank Mattox (riding),
Frank Black (Director),
Steve Rohr (swimming), Damon Coffman (riflery).
...three pictures from Ron Brooks...
Charlotte Black, Nona Samples, Claude Cubbon,
Faye Pendola, Barbara Hunt, Herb Jarrett, Herman Moses, Bill Sheets, John
O'Brien, Frank Black, Roy Shrout, Steve Rohr, Ron Brooks, Lance Christ.
Phil Arvidson, Kay Bunnell, Marvin Gothard, George
Mangus, Dick Milton, Charlie Katholi, Tom Schall, Bill Cyrus
Hary Hanshawm Don Hardman, Mike McCormick, Mike
Gallagher, Coit Gardner, Bob Marion, George Rosengarten, Fred Thierll,
Ron Brooks, Perry Hughes, Earl Burgess, Warren Mickey
...and a picture from Penny Brick
Camelot Staff 1969
Front: Bear and Hymee Gandee
Row 2: Jargo Gandee, ? , John Matthews,
? , Tony Pendolo, Dave Gandee
Row 3: Mike Potter, Chris ?, Neil ?, Carlton Gandee,
Joe Price, Terry Murphy
Row 4: "no clue" except Dottie and Kelly Jo Gandee, Nona