The July 17-19, 2015 Carbide Camps Reunion is special!
Campers! Please RSVP to [email protected] with email address and number of people attending-- we need a "food count" !
The Mission:
- We enjoy getting together for the usual camaraderie and food and music, plus camp site visits
- We need to check up on the commemorative plaques we installed on Blue Creek.
- We should gather at the Carbide Hunting and Fishing Lodge for what may be the last time, as this last architectural element of Carbide's presence on the Creek may be about to disappear. The camp sites may also become part of a natural-gas empire. Even Camp Galahad is up for sale at this moment.
- As Blue Creek continues to change, and "our" Blue Creek disappears into the necessities of progress, we need to bear witness once again to "the Summers" -- the magic of youth, the miracle of growing up and the perspective we've gained in the process. We need to renew within ourselves our prior claim to the beauty and uniqueness of this bit of land and sky, even if we cannot halt the arrows of time and change.
- Remember the sports, the good friends, and the the quiet times -- those butterfly mornings and wildflower afternoons.
The Press Coverage: So far, two of our friends from the Charleston-area press have supported the reunion activity in print. Check out these two links:
The Agenda: (Optional donation $10 per person for food)
Camping out at the Hunting and Fishing Lodge is a go! Camp inside, or on the grounds. Please see below for suggestions and safety tips for Creek visiting!
Friday, July 17: At the FOP in Charleston, 6-11 PM
Friday night will be very casual: free beer, sodas, pizza, wings and veggies, and maybe a DJ for some entertainment! BYO if you prefer stronger beverages. We’re sure we can count on everyone to Drink Responsibly! Some attendees may leave early to camp on Blue Creek Friday night.
To the FOP: Capital City Lodge, FOP #74; 4284 Woodrum Lane; Charleston, WV 25313 LAT: 38.3848, LONG: -81.7086
- From I-64 Dunbar Exit, take Roxalana Rd. to WV St. Rt. 62. Turn left onto 62, go1/2 mile and turn right onto Woodrum's Lane. Go 1/4 mile to FOP on the right.
- You can also take WV 62 at the intersection in North Charleston where the Cold Spot is. Just follow it approx. one mile to Woodrum's Lane on the right, and go 1/4 mile to FOP on the right.
Saturday, July 18: Catered Lunch at the Carbide Hunting and Fishing Lodge. Burgers and hot dogs with trimmings at 1:00 PM. Visits to camp sites, good hiking and exercise, good memories.
Here are the Maps: Look at these and print them! Don't get lost!
- Map 1: From I-79 to the H/F lodge
- Map 2: To the former Galahad, Camelot and Carlisle sites
Sunday, July 19: Continued Visits and unscheduled activity "on your own, on the Creek" for those interested in a longer stay.
Safety tips for camping and visiting on the Creek: Much encouraged, but at this time we are not certain of the status of land ownership. If any news comes to us that would limit or prevent camp site visits and overnights, we will send e-mail announcements. Meanwhile, plan to camp, hike, fish, wade, explore … remember!
Please note: The route to the Hunting / Fishing Lodge and the camp sites requires travel on dirt roads with multiple stream crossings. The camp sites are far away from the nearest help. Events are held in undeveloped areas where cell-phone and emergency services are not immediately available and wildlife is present. Guests should plan to bring appropriate vehicles, food and water, optional overnight camping and hiking gear, first-aid and any medications or other needs. Overnight camping is at your own risk. In heavy rain, the Creek has been known to flood very quickly. Everyone should always be alert to avoid accidents and to help others.