September 22-24, 2017: The Big 35th-Year
Carbide Camps Reunion
Update - August 10, 2017
This is a reminder to get your Big-35 Reunion souvenirs and mementos on order now! If you order by September 8, they'll be available for pickup (and use!) at the reunion - - or they can be shipped to you later, even if you order later.
Barb Hicks Neddo and your committee offer a fine selection:
Long- and short-sleeved T-shirts, Yeti insulated beverage tumblers with camp crests, and a couple of Camelot ball caps from last year's mini-reunion!
CLICK HERE for purchasing weekend packages and souvenirs |
Also visit and and camp brookside
for pictures and other memories.
"The committee" -- invites expressions of interest from former campers to join the reunion organizing activity. Please contact a committee member by email, or in person at the Big-35th:
Angela Allison <[email protected]>
Camp Brookside <[email protected]>
Dave Gardner <[email protected]>
Bob Lilley <[email protected]>
Barb Hicks Neddo <[email protected]>
Marty Wyatt <[email protected]>