September 22-24, 2017: The Big 35th-Year
Carbide Camps Reunion
Update - August 23, 2017
Did you miss the previous announcement with places and times?
If so, then go here to get caught up!
Note that the time for the Sunday picnic at Coonskin is 1:00 PM.
The time was omitted from the earlier announcement.
Barb Hicks Neddo and your committee offer a fine selection of souvenirs this year. Note the cutoff date is September 8 for the souvenirs.
You can register for the event now, or pay at the door:
CLICK HERE for purchasing weekend packages and souvenirs |
Also visit and and camp brookside
for pictures and other memories.
"The committee" -- invites expressions of interest from former campers to join the reunion organizing activity. Please contact a committee member by email, or in person at the Big-35th:
Angela Allison <[email protected]>
Camp Brookside <[email protected]>
Dave Gardner <[email protected]>
Bob Lilley <[email protected]>
Barb Hicks Neddo <[email protected]>
Marty Wyatt <[email protected]>