September 22-24, 2017: The Big 35th-Year
Carbide Camps Reunion
Last Call!
To refresh your information on the Big-35th Reunion, go HERE.
You will see all the announcements and updates.
For Maps, go HERE.
Please note, you need to print these and bring them along with you!
Cell service is not reliable on or near the Creek, and, besides, some of these roads
may be missing or mis-marked on the mobile-device map apps.
There are two maps -- you will need both.
Souvenirs - Go HERE: The cutoff date is only a week away - - September 8! If you order now and the decide to attend the festivities, we'll refund your shipping cost!
(Pssst: There are other neat souvenirs for attendees!)
And, to be sure there's the correct amount of catered goodies for everyone,
PLEASE go to Reunion 2017 Website and let us know you plan to attend.
The catering deadline is September 18!
CLICK HERE for purchasing weekend packages and souvenirs |
- Still considering NOT being here? Read on...
It's the BIG 35th! The reunion commemorates the 35th year since the Blue Creek camps Carlisle and Camelot closed. Additionally, we'll remember Cliffside, the "starter set" for many of us as campers. We'll include Brookside, another Carbide camp restored and still in business as part of the National Park Service.
Yes, 35 years ago and earlier, many of us would have been thinking and planning for two weeks on Blue Creek, looking forward to all the activities and friends that made Summers so special. Just a few years before that, some would have been headed for Coal River, the twin swinging bridges, Cabin Row and the magical self-lighting campfire. Camp Brookside would beckon still other "Carbide kids."
Now, we return only to memories of the camps, but to the very present friendships and sharing that still make camping, and Carbide, and West Virginia unforgettable - - make it essential to who we are, and who we are yet to be.
Our past meetings -- even the small annual mini-reunions -- have served to "tend the flame". We've preserved the Camps' themes of Native American and Arthurian values of interdependency and teamwork, of rules and reason, of work and play. We've recognized their importance as part and parcel of that thin veneer of civilization we stretch over the chaos. These heavy concepts were reinforced for us relatively painlessly, in a couple of weeks each Summer.
Every former camper we encounter expresses the belief that those positive lessons persist in us today and in our children for the future. Join your reunion committee and fellow campers in Charleston and on the Creek to remember and refresh the Carbide Camping spirit!
Remember the wings, castles, hootenannies, Early-morning wake up raids, dances and - - exploding beans!
Who would want to miss all THIS? Reconsider - - HERE!
Also visit and and camp brookside
for pictures and other memories.
"The committee" -- invites expressions of interest from former campers to join the reunion organizing activity. Please contact a committee member by email, or in person at the Big-35th:
Angela Allison <[email protected]>
Camp Brookside <[email protected]>
Dave Gardner <[email protected]>
Bob Lilley <[email protected]>
Barb Hicks Neddo <[email protected]>
Marty Wyatt <[email protected]>