September 22-24, 2017: The Big 35th-Year
Carbide Camps Reunion
of the survey we took earlier this year resulted in a 3-to-1 preference
for a traditional" reunion, as you will see below. We'll offer the Camp
Brookside option again for 2018, and we encourage campers to contact
committee member Angela Allison about taking the trip out to Hinton
sometime to see the fourth Carbide Camp!
So - - Plan accordingly:
Friday, September 22: At the FOP in Charleston, 6 - ? PM
Catered dinner, free draft beer, bonfire, *entertainment" and karaoke.
Cash bar, but package will include 2 free drinks. Some attendees may
leave early to camp on Blue Creek Friday night.
Capital City Lodge, FOP #74
4284 Woodrum Lane
Charleston, WV 25313
LAT: 38.3848, LONG: -81.7086
Saturday, September 23: Visits to Blue Creek Sites
There will likely be Camelot Plaque ceremony to replace the missing original plaque.
Sunday, September 24: Catered Lunch at Coonskin
Park starting at 1:00, plus unscheduled activity on your own, in town or
on the Creek for those interested in a longer stay. There will be
souvenirs, surprises, and maybe Exploding Beans...!
Important Safety Tips for camping and visiting on the Creek: Much
encouraged, but at this time we are still not certain of the status of
land ownership and accessibility. The Hunting and Fishing Club building
will likely not be available to us. (In
mid-May, we received word that the HF lodge building
is "...falling into disrepair..." but is still standing,and
that the new owners do not seem to mind people being in and around it. While not
exactly a ringing endorsement of Creek camping, it sounds somewhat encouraging.) If we get any news that would limit
or prevent camp site visits and overnights, we will send out e-mail
announcements. Meanwhile, be optimistic and plan to camp, hike, fish,
wade, explore … remember!
Y'all be careful out there! Remember that roads are bad, cell phones
likely will not work and that emergency services are not close. Bring
your own gear for life on the Creek, and watch for critters and high
Also visit and
for pictures and other memories.
2017 marks 35 years since closure of the Blue Creek camps.
Let's make it a Big-35 Reunion!
"The committee"
Angela Allison <[email protected]>
Camp Brookside <[email protected]>
Dave Gardner <[email protected]>
Bob Lilley <[email protected]>
Barb Hicks Neddo <[email protected]>
Marty Wyatt <[email protected]>