![]() ![]() Nancy
Rogers brought her 1960s Cliffside
and Carlisle scrapbook, so naturally we photographed it! At
the FOP on Friday night On
Blue Creek - Saturday ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below,
we list all the material we sent out before the 2008 reunion so you can
see it,
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hotel Update 6/16/08 Special
rate of $89 at the South Charleston Wingate Hotel. (It's
$119 for the ordinary people!)
If the Wingate sells out, try the Ramada Inn next door...Call 304-744-4641 ---------------------------------------------------
Friday, July 18: 7pm. Informal social gathering at the Charleston FOP Lodge. Hors d' oeuvres & beverage provided at no charge (donations accepted to offset the costs). Cash bar. Music/DJ. (Blue Creek Rails-to-Trails representatives are invited, to give us an update!) To
the FOP: Friday
7PM: From I-64 Dunbar Exit, take Roxalana Rd.
Saturday, July 19: Out to the Creek for campsite visits. Horseback rides at the Hunting/Fishing Club. Crafts for the children. We're planning for camping overnight at the H/F Lodge (bring your own food, tents, sleeping bags , etc.), and also for camping at the actual campsites for the more rugged, hard-core campers. (Click Here for directions to the Carbide Hunting and Fishing Club) Sunday, July 20: Continental Breakfast provided at the H/F Lodge (donuts/coffee/juice) ------------------------------------------------
Once again this year, Dow put our announcement in their newsletter: