People are
getting serious about the 2009 Reunion!
They’re calling
us, asking about directions to the Hunting and Fishing Club!
Click here for the maps...

June 5, 2009
To all former campers:
See the schedule below
for this year's informal Carbide Camps reunion, on the weekend
July 31 - August 2,
Please reply to let us know you're coming, so we have enough goodies!
(SCHS 1959 grads, please note the multi-tasking
opportunities, and the SCHS
reunion schedule, also below.)
FRIDAY, JULY 31: An informal get together beginning at approximately
6:00pm at Bear's Den in the basement of the former
Daniel Boone Hotel, located at 405 Capitol Street, Charleston, WV. We will be providing a keg of beer! Finger food
and other food items are available from their menu.
SATURDAY, AUGUST 1: Visit the former campsites on Blue Creek.
Campers can make their way out to The Creek late morning and meet at the
Hunting & Fishing Club, with informal visits to the Camelot and Carlisle campsites during the afternoon. We will be using the Hunting &
Fishing Club as a rendezvous point only this year.
OVERNIGHT CAMPING: For those interested in overnight camping,
we will be camping at the former Camelot & Carlisle campsites only.
We will not be reserving the Hunting & Fishing Club for
overnight camping this year.
NOTE: Lunch (and Dinner for those staying overnight) are BYO
this year. So if you're going to get hungry while at the Creek, you must plan
on one of the following options: a) fishing for your dinner in the
creek, b) catching and cooking the appropriate wildlife in the area, c)
stealing Randy's can of beans out of the campfire before it explodes, or
d) bringing something with you.
Please confirm your attendance by responding to this email, or by replying to
Randy Rice on his camps Facebook page.
HOTEL ACCOMODATIONS: We have made arrangements for a discounted
rate of $89/night at the Wingate Inn located at 402 Second Avenue, So. Charleston, WV. (304) 744-4444. You must mention the Union Carbide
Camps Reunion to receive this rate. (Call during South Charleston's business hours and confirm the rate with Chilou
Duckwyler, Front Office Manager. Thanks to Dave Gardner for arranging the
special rate. Click here for the hotel web site (but it's best
to phone, to be sure of getting the Camps rate.)
"Dual Attendees" of both the Carbide Camps Reunion and the SCHS Reunion, the SCHS Reunion schedule is as follows:
Friday 7 PM - Reception - South Charleston Women's Club
Saturday 11 AM - Memorial
Saturday 6 PM
- Dinner
Sunday 10 AM
- Brunch
We hope those in town for both events can
successfully multi-task!
There's other news from the Charleston
area and things to see (or not see, in one case):
Building 82,
for many years the Carbide "main office building" on McCorkle Avenue, was spectacularly demolished by later owner the University of Charleston in January. You can see some of the videos here,
and Google-search for more information from the Charleston Gazette online and
WSAZ-TV. Many of us attended the grand opening in the 50s with our parents.
End of another era.
The old railroad trestle crossing the river and Kanawha Boulevard was slightly damaged by fire in April. This trestle
is a part of the rails-to-trails (R/T) project in Charleston, which interests us, since someday the trail may
include portions of "our own Blue Creek," home of Carlisle and Camelot. One reporter noted that the asbestos(!) fire-blocks may
have saved the trestle from more damage.) Of course, this report simply
highlighted one more challenge for our friend Dennis Strawn and his
rails-to-trails team, that of removing all that nasty asbestos while still
protecting the trestle for bikers and hikers.) We hope Dennis and other
R/T people will be able to join us for a while at the reunion -- which
is why R/T is on our mailing list!
The Charleston Gazette's Karin Tauscher Fuller, a former camper and long-time friend of the camps
reunions, wrote an article recently on "Send a Kid to Camp". See it
...and see you on
July 31!
Camps Reunion,
July 31, August 1 and 2, 2009!
April 8, 2009

Union Carbide's former Building 82, like our sacred
campgrounds, is now just a memory. (Click
here). But this doesn't stop us from remembering and celebrating
those wonderful times at Camelot, Carlisle and even
Cliffside. Once again we will be hosting an informal mini-reunion the weekend
of July 31, 2009.
This year our planned activities will include the following:
FRIDAY, JULY 31: An informal get together beginning at
approximately 6:00pm at Bear's
Den in the basement of the former Daniel Boone Hotel, located at 405
Capitol Street, Charleston, WV.
We will be providing a keg of beer! Finger food and other food items are
available from their menu.
SATURDAY, AUGUST 1: Visit the former campsites on Blue Creek.
Campers can make their way out to The Creek late morning and meet at the
Hunting & Fishing Club, with informal visits to the
Camelot and Carlisle campsites during the afternoon.
We will be using the Hunting & Fishing Club as a rendezvous point only
this year.
OVERNIGHT CAMPING: For those interested in overnight camping,
we will be camping at the former Camelot & Carlisle campsites only.
We will not be reserving the Hunting & Fishing Club for
overnight camping this year.
NOTE: Lunch (and Dinner for those staying overnight) are BYO
this year. So if you're going to get hungry while at the Creek, you must plan
on one of the following options: a) fishing for your dinner in the
creek, b) catching and cooking the appropriate wildlife in the area, c)
stealing Randy's can of beans out of the campfire before it explodes, or
d) bringing something with you.
Please confirm your attendance by responding to this email, or by replying to
Randy Rice on his camps Facebook page.
HOTEL ACCOMODATIONS: We have made arrangements for a discounted
rate of $89/night at the Wingate Inn located at 402
Second Avenue, So. Charleston,
WV. (304) 744-4444. You must mention the
Union Carbide Camps Reunion to receive this rate. (Call during South
Charleston's business hours and confirm the rate
with Chilou Duckwyler, Front Office Manager. Thanks to Dave Gardner
for arranging the special rate. Click
here for the hotel web site (but it's best to call for reservations,
to be sure of getting the Camps rate.)
For "Dual Attendees" of both the Carbide Camps Reunion and the SCHS
Reunion, the SCHS Reunion schedule is as
Friday 7PM - Reception - South Charleston
Women's Club
Saturday Memorial Service - 11 AM
Saturday - 6PM Dinner
Sunday - Brunch 10
We hope those in town for both events can successfully multi-task!
We look forward to seeing you this July as we make our annual pilgrimage to
The Creek. Stay tuned for updates as they develop and check the camp website
for updates, information and details.
Your Reunion Committee
Dave Gardner, Bob Lilley, Barb Hicks Neddo, Randy Rice
* * *