Mysteries and Puzzles -- Who can Help?

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What about Cliffside's history as Camp Walhonde? Any takers?

How about some names for the people in this 1956-ish picture of the Cliffside staff? We know John Goetz, in the top row to the right, and on the left end of that row is Tom Cyrus, who unearthed this photo. Patty Sutton is second row left, and Patti Gross is fourth from the right in that row. Kris Sales Dunlap says the girl in the second row, second from the right is Barbara Quisenberry, and second from the left in that row is Joyce Lucas. Third row on the right is Nancy Marples, and in the fourth row right is Linda Perry and next to her is Carole Petit(?).

From Susan Goetz Lewis 
The bottom row - second from the left -
Miss Meredith, Head Dietician.  Whenever, they had oats for breakfast 
Miss Meredith always put peanut butter at my Dad's (Johnny Goetz) place. 
Daddy loved peanut butter on toast with his oats.  Miss Meredith thought that 
he put the peanut butter in his oats.  We caught her in the kitchen trying 
this one morning.  We never did let her live it down (although she tried to 
convince us it was good)!
Kathleen Terry
Second row, 4th from left may be Oril Rich (sp?); Fourth row 2nd from left may be Jane Ann Chatfield, who attended Stonewall Jackson High School.