Choose 9 times the length of finished item:
3 feet of gimp makes 4 inches of box stitch
9 feet of gimp makes 12 inches of box stitch
1. Either turn round braid upside down or choose 2 strands of
gimp. Tie strands so you have light strands opposite each other and dark
strands opposite each other (Fig. A).
2. Fold strand 1 to opposite side leaving a small loop. Fold
strand 2 over strand 1 leaving a small loop (Fig. B). Hold both strands
in place with fingers.
3. Fold strand 3 over strand 2 and hold (Fig. C).
4. Fold strand 4 over strand 3 and through loop left in strand
1 (Fig.D). (Note Fig. D is a little confusing. You may wish to refer to
Fig. E directly.)
5. Pull strands tightly (Fig. E). Take strands 1 and 4 in one
hand, 2 and 3 in the other, and pull. Take 1 and 2 in one hand, and 3 and
4 in the other, and pull again. This completes the base of the box stitch.
6. Fold strands 1 and 3 to opposite sides leaving two small
loops and hold. Fold strand 2 over strand 3, and through loop of 1. Fold
strand 4 over strand 1, and through loop of 3 (Fig. F). Pull strands tightly.
You have just completed the only 2 steps necessary to make the box stitch.
Continue box stitch until desired length is braided.
7. To fasten off box stitch, leave last stitch fairly loose.
Bring 1 under 2 then up through center (Fig. G). Bring 2 under 3 then up
through center. Repeat with 3 and 4. Tighten strands gently one at a time
around box. Trim ends diagonally 1 inch beyond box.