Todd Wellman Pictures at Reunion 2007
Dow Chemical
Newsletter Coverage of Reunion 2007
(George) Brick's Photos. Neat Stuff here!
in the Stone Award and Reflections - Bob Lilley
Night Party at the FOP
on Blue Creek
at Coonskin Park
Rails to Trails Project on Blue Creek
Thanks to everyone who helped, and everyone who participated! Another great reunion!
For more information, visit one
of the two websites
devoted to remembering the Union
Carbide Summer Camps:
here for the first Top Ten List - April 26
-- reasons to participate!
here for the Second Reminder - May 12!
here for the Third Reminder -
May 30 -- You can run, but you can't hide!
...and Click
here for the Last Call! -June 28
...and Click
here for the Rails-to-Trails Special
Presentation Announcement!
Click here for the June 20 Metro Kanawha Article on the 25th Reunion
here for the new Google map to
the various reunion locations
here for detailed Maps and Directions to the Blue Creek venues
To the
FOP: Friday 7PM: From I-64 Dunbar Exit,
take Roxalana Rd. to WV St. Rt. 62.
Turn left
onto 62, go 1/2mile and turn right onto Woodrum's Lane.
Go 1/4 mile
to FOP on the right. Randy Rice, Amy Poulson, Marty Wyatt and Barb
Hicks Neddo will make sure there are plenty of signs out!
You can also
take WV 62 at the intersection in North Charleston where the Cold Spot
Just follow
it approx. 1 mile to Woodrum's Lane on the right, and go 1/4 mile to FOP
on the right.
Reunion Events
You can also take WV 62 at the
intersection in North Charleston where the Cold Spot is. Just follow
it approx. 1 mile to Woodrum's Lane on the right, and go 1/4 mile to FOP
on the right.
A block of rooms was kindly set aside
at a special rate by the Wingate Hotel in South Charleston.
Yes, we got the chance to thank Lou
Collazo, the manager.
The Wingate Hotel
402 Second Ave
2nd Ave. and C Street
South Charleston, WV 25303
Regular Rate: $119
Reunion Rate: $79!
- Credit Cards or PayPal
For your convenience we are offering
a credit-card payment option this year.
Simply click on the appropriate selection(s)
below and you will be directed to a secure web site that will accept your
credit card payment. You may use any popular credit card, or use a PayPal
Many campers used the convenient
use the credit card or PayPal option, that
was set up by Randy Rice.
Registration - U.S. Mail
A snail-mail option is available too,
if you prefer.
Just print, complete, and mail the
following registration form with your check:
- $35.00 per Person
Friday Night Only - $10 per
Saturday Only - $20 per Person
Sunday Only - $15 per Person
Reunion T-shirts!
these are no longer available
we see orders for about a hundred!)
You need not
be present to own one (or more!)
Shipping and Handling Included
Shirt 3XL - $13.00
Shirt 2XL- $13.00
Shirt Extra Large- $13.00
Shirt Large- $13.00
Shirt Medium- $13.00
Shirt Small- $13.00